“You’re Welcome” — COVID-19 version

Jessica Ridlen
3 min readApr 5, 2020

Thank you to all of the healthcare workers, teachers, and cashiers

Ok, ok, I see what’s happening here

You’re face to face with a virus and you’re scared

Changing each minute how you feel

It was predictable!

Well, you know, it’s sad that we were unprepared.

Open your eyes, let’s begin

Yes, it’s really here, coronavirus — don’t breathe it in!

I know it’s a lot: you’re bored, nowhere to go!

When you’re just not really used to hearing “no”.

Healthcare workers, just say “you’re welcome”

For the days and the nights you give

Here at home we’ll stay, and you just say

You’re welcome

It’s thanks to you so many patients get to live

Mary Sheerin, Dr. Saad Usmani, and Dr. Jacqueline Paykel


Who has a link to Zoom and a story time feature?

And keeps filling your Trapper Keeper?

Your teacher!

When the math got tough

Who Face-timed with you after hours?

A teacher with super powers!

Oh, also they got up way before the sun

You’re welcome!

To plan your day and bring you fun

Oh, also they’re really concerned

You’re welcome!

With figuring out a way to help you learn

Amy Dunlap, Gayle Dunlap, Joci Sulca — three teachers I love!

What can cashiers say except you’re welcome

For taking the risk so that you can get things you need

Smile while you pay, and let them say

You’re welcome!

Toilet paper in stock ain’t guaranteed

You’re welcome!

You’re welcome!

Well, come to think of it

Friends, honestly I can go on and on

But I can’t explain this social phenomenon

The masks, the kits, the tests

Why can’t we all just be our best?

You’re asked to stay home

You’re asked to be kind

If you’re safe, fed and warm, please stop losing your minds

What’s the lesson?

What is the take-away?

Sit your butt down, just say thank you and stay!

And all of the cases right there in that article

Those deaths are all caused by this one tiny particle

But look at our heroes

Giving lesson plans, change and hugs

Just facing down this terrible bug

Anyway, let them say “you’re welcome”

But you’ve gotta thank them first

Tell them that at home you’ll stay, and they’ll say

You’re welcome!

Because you know that they’ve got it the worst.

Hey, it’s your day to say you’re welcome

And they’re gonna need less resistance

They’re back out the door, once more

You’re welcome!

Cause none of them are allowed a social distance.

You’re welcome!

You’re welcome!


A big “THANK YOU” to Donna Fogle, my son’s incredible pre school teacher at New Life Christian School!

